Weekly Bulletin
Click below to download the updated weekly bulletin.  Click here for the bulletin submission form.



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Mass, Confession, Event Schedules

Click Here for our Family of Parishes Mass and Confession Schedule.  Click here for the February 2025 Weekend Mass and Priest Schedule.

Youth Ministry News
Youth Group | Grades 9-12

Sundays, 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Transfiguration Youth Building

Feat. Fr. Callan & the Core Team

Rec | Snacks | Fellowship | Faith & the Eucharist


Bosco Nights* | Grades 6-8 Only!

Mondays, 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Transfiguration Youth Building

Featuring Deanna Rohlfs and the Bosco Core Team

Rec | Snacks | Fellowship | Saints & Faith

*St. John Bosco, pray for us! Complement your child’s 6th/7th/8th grade weekly CCD experience with Bosco Nights!


Christmas Bazaar
Our annual Christmas Bazaar was a huge success!  Thank you to all who were involved – preparing/donating raffle items, providing baked goods, working volunteer shifts and purchasing items from the vendors.  Our profit was just over $3,000!    We thank you for your support!

Complex Rental Calendar...
View a complete calendar of dates the Sports Complex is rented to determine what dates are available for your event.
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Community Life Committee...
The Community Life Committee meets the second Tuesday of every month. Our mission is to discuss ways to raise money and fellowship within the church. Any member of the parish can join community life and all meetings are open to parishioners.

Some examples of our fundraising include fish fries during Lent, working on the parish festival in the summer, and the Christmas Bazaar in November. We also host a parish picnic in the summer and are open to exploring other ways to promote fellowship.

Vern Monnin - President
Marty Speer – Recorder
Members: Jane Monnin, Jean Cordonnier, Shirley Arnett, and Joyce Grilliot

About Covington...
St. Teresa Catholic Church is located in the quiet, friendly, small village of Covington in West Central Ohio (Miami County) - population 2,559 as of the year 2000. It is part of the Dayton Metropolitan Statistical Area.

History of Covington...
Covington was settled in 1807 and incorporated 1835. It's main trades are Grain, tobacco, dairy products, livestock, poultry, sawmills. The largest financial concern in the area is The Covington Savings & Loan Association, 117 N. High St. who appear in The Million Dollar Directory, 1988.

When Mad Anthony Wayne's army marched off to the Indian Wars, one of its campsites was at present-day Covington. The site was called Fort Rowdy, and is the name behind Covington's Annual Fort Rowdy Day festival.

In the area's early days, it was the site of Fort Buchanan, a frontier outpost. The Covington armory stands on the site where the fort was originally located.

In 1816, Daniel Wright surveyed the area and along with partner Jacob Ullery, made the first steps toward starting a settlement. Those names -- Wright and Ullery -- are familiar to Covington residents today as the names of streets in the vicinity of the original settlement.

Covington was known by various names, including "Friendship," "Newberry," and Stillwater." There were just two families living there in 1826. That number increased to 451 in 1850 and 1,791 by 1900.

Operated by the Covington-Newberry Historical Society, the Fort Rowdy Museum is located on Spring Street across from the village of Covington's fire station and post office. The building itself dates back to about 1850 and has served many tasks for the town, including a schoolhouse. What you will find inside is an impressive mix of Covington/Newberry Township artifacts.

The walls of the downstairs are covered with early photographs that date from the mid 1800s to the mid 1900s. Display cases are full of products and promotional pieces from local merchants and political campaigns. Some of the products represented are, soap, talcum powder, cigars and Rogers drums.

In the back of the first floor are tools and parts of early Newberry Township mills, mixed with saws that were used to cut ice out of local ponds in the era before electric refrigeration. There is also a small collection of flower bags from mills in the Covington area that are long gone. On one wall is a painting of Leonard Covington, an officer that served with General "Mad" Anthony Wayne during the Indian wars, and for whom the village of Covington was named after.

Not to be missed, the upstairs contains a collection of antique toys and clothes, as well as kitchen items once produced in the Covington and Piqua areas. The museum also has a collection of vintage clothing, including military uniforms that were donated by longtime residents.

The Museum is open by appointment and on special occasions - like the Fort Rowdy Days Festival. The Covington-Newberry Historical Society holds an annual Bean Supper Fund Raiser every year in September on the Saturday following Labor Day.

Covington is located on the Stillwater River, and the surrounding countryside includes a number of scenic areas, including Greenville Falls, a nature area managed by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, and several preserves operated by the Miami County District Council.

Related Links:
Chamber of Commerce: www.covingtonohiochamber.com
Covington Schools: www.covington.k12.oh.us
Covington Sports: www.gobuccs.com
Covington Youth Sports: www.covingtonyouthsports.com
Fort Rowty: www.fortrowdy.org

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